Was feeling so tired and sluggish after a whole day of work & the insufficient sleep I've only been getting lately..
Came home and mummy told me the courier guy dropped by an left an huge, heavy bag of goodies.. wonder what's that? (:
4 boxes of kinohimitsu health drinks.
Hehehe, instantly perked me up after seeing these goodies!

Confirm trading sent me a box of 6-day program detox juice Cranberry flavor (6 bottles) & 3 boxes of Bust up drink (10 bottle per box - it's the promotion pack,
buy a box of 6 get 4 bottles free) to review the effectiveness of these little bottled miracles!
Mad excited to try this out, after seeing the kinohimitsu products at Watsons
awhile ago, i've always wanted to try it out but i kept forgetting about it,
so i'm really looking forward to trying these products.
Look at how many types of health drink Kinohimitsu have currently:
My ex-colleague told me the UV-bright drink & Bust-Up drink is very effective
for her for whitening and firming her breast after she gave birth to her first baby.
I'll be updating after i tried the Detox juice drink and Bust-Up drink
will let you people know if it's effective for me! (:
Do like Confirm Trading's facebook page, cos they do giveaways and products to review every once in awhile: http://www.facebook.com/ConfirmTrading
Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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